Thursday, June 20, 2019

New Shoes!

My last post occurred over a year ago. February 19th to be exact. I've been thinking of this blog for a while now and wondering if I should resurrect it. I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure why, but I'm hoping that it helps keep me motivated.

February 19, 2018 seems like a lifetime ago, and in many respects, a lifetime of events have happened in the nearly 500 days since my last post. On August 28, I experienced one of the ultimate joys in life with the birth of our daughter Melanie.

I also experienced the crushing sorrow that comes with the passing of a close family member when my sister passed away after a brief battle with cancer on December 15.

Both events put a perspective on what really matters: family. I never hesitated to keep the running shoes on the shelf for the past eight months (the exception being a Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot).

In the coming weeks, I will have separate posts about what has transpired during the lost days as well as what I hope will happen in terms of my forthcoming running adventures.

This year, 2019, year is a bit different from all the previous ones now have a giggling, smiling, happy little girl to watch over and entertain. Running isn't quite the priority that it once was. Alas, I need something to keep the waistline at bay.

Moreover, I've missed it. Sort of. I haven't missed the sore muscles, aching achilles, and stiff joints, but I've missed the runs where the neighborhood is quiet and still. I miss the sense of accomplishment after a hard workout or long run. I also hope this year will be different because I want my daughter can be a part of some of my runs (more on this in another post).

A few weeks ago, I signed up for the Lakefront Marathon here in Milwaukee. I'm rusty and out of shape, but there are about 16 weeks before the race and plenty of time to just run. Let the chips fall where they may.

Bring on Lakefront!

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