Sunday, July 28, 2019

20 Degrees

What a difference 20 degrees makes!

On June 26, I ran 6.12 miles at 11:30 AM, just about when the sun was at its peak. The temperature was about 81 degrees F and the sky was mostly clear with a light, breeze coming off the lake that teased my senses. I thought I should be able to knock out the 6 miles in no time. How wrong I was.

After the first couple of miles, my legs grew heavy and my pace started to slow. By mile 3, the sun had taken its toll. I needed to walk. I walked for a couple tenths of a mile, took a deep breath and started to run again. I'll be damned if I was going to walk the remaining 3 miles back home.

My paced was a bit slower and I had to walk again at the end of miles 4 and 5. When I arrived home, I was completely exhausted.

Pace of 6-26 run.
I guess I should not have been surprised by this result. According to this website, based on my height, weight, pace, and the fact that it was 81 degrees (F) outside, my body perceived the temperature to be about 110 degree (F)! No wonder I struggled.

The moral of the story: If it's going to be hot, run sooner.

If 6 miles was brutal in the heat, I could not have image what the next day's run of 11 miles would have done to me knowing that the afternoon temperature was supposed to be 84. So, I made a decision to beat the heat. I woke up at 4 AM (no alarm needed), put my contacts in, filled my CamelBak, and was out the door by 4:30. I needed to be back by 7 AM because Jody had to leave for work and I needed to watch the baby.

Typically, when I run a route longer than 10 miles, I usually eat a bagel with peanut butter about an hour before heading out the door. On this morning, I was not going to get up at 3 AM. Instead, I grabbed a few pretzels and drank a half of glass of water. That's it! During my run, I had one energy gel at about the 5-mile mark and a few pretzels that I had shoved into a plastic bag into my pocket.

I had some concerns that I might experience some linger effects from the previous day's run. These concerns never materialized. In fact, two hours after I started this run, I had never felt better after running 11 miles!
6-27 run. The pace is in blue and elevation is the grayed-out area on the bottom.

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