Sunday, March 20, 2016


Last year, as I prepared for the Chicago marathon, my goal was to lose 5-10 pounds and reduce my weight to about 180. Although I did not reach this goal, I was close. At the time of the marathon, I was about 183. Even following Chicago, I kept at it and tried to reach the 180 mark. In early December, I dipped to one of my lowest weights at 181.4. Then Christmas happened ... and a week-long vacation to Florida. On January 8th, I peaked at 190.6 thanks to a diet of Christmas cookies, fudge, and beer. Yes, that is a quick 10 pounds in about a month!

In late February, there was a noticeable downward trend in the weight once I signed up for the Green Bay marathon (2/12/16) and the weekly miles started to accumulate.

I made a couple minor adjustments to my diet. I cut down on the size of my lunches. Prior to February, I was eating a hearty sandwich usually with a side of pretzels. Now, I am down to a cup of yogurt and a piece of string cheese. I have also reduced my alcohol consumption (blasphemy, I know). I've only had a few beers and couple glasses of wine since early February. Finally, I reduce my sugar intake. I still sneak in the occasional piece of candy, but Jody and I have drastically cut back on our post-dinner dessert.

These changes have paid off. On March 11th, I touched 180.8. The weight jumped a little bit after Jody and I went wedding cake testing.

One of the places from which we cake tested how to cancel our in-person appointment. She gave us this instead.
Once we finished the cake and I cranked out two weeks where I averaged 30 miles, the weight is as low has it has ever been. Today, after my 13.1 mile run, I weighed in at 178.6. Sure, I was dehydrated and had nothing in my stomach, but let's not get caught up in the details....

Overall, I'm not frustrated that I gained the weight during my off-season, that is to be expected. I enjoyed myself during the holidays and while on vacation. What is surprising is that it did not take a drastic change in the diet for the pounds to return and it has taken has taken nearly three months to kick the pounds back out the door.

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